

Fly beyond the skies and the stars
Reach Jupiter, Pluto or far ahead in the galaxy

Fly like nothing on the ground would hold you
Like nothing down there would ever hurt you

Fly like you’ve ever dreamed of
And if you were flying in your dreams
If you were diving in these streams
You can reach anywhere
With your mind and soul
Be right there

And then rest your heart
In the highest skies
Where the clouds are never domain
And the sun always shines

A home for the entire universe
A place for love and peace and thrive.


Thoughts in outer space
Swearing loud “there is no grace!”
A feeling without description
no precedent, no intuition.

So much has come to place
Sweat and tears, full of disgrace
Such sacrifice with just no reason
Such life lived in an inner prison.

Mind and body aligned and calm
Words come in without embalm
Why no good comes from that face?
Is it all as you say, so grave?

We know and feel the truth within
Beliefs and facts not always seen
Thin veil over reality shock
Oh dear, they’re just a flock

Semantics hurting in unknown speed
Try to gather, to plant the seed
A cause appearing so uncontrollable
Hear, my dear
You don’t get into their bubble

Watch tomorrow with fresh new eyes
Breathe, believe, it will suffice
Let it all flow out in streams
Sleep, dear
Go back to your dreams.


She found herself in the skies of love and laughter.
she gazed deeply at the blue and the light.
she found the ease, the peace and its fullness.
it was true love at first sight.

So long the time amidst deep darkness
buried alive, condemned to its horrors
building the walls of plain flawless
made up a world with nothing but hollow.

No comprehension, no empathy to another
life and history kept told in a flash
searched again, chose to not bother
upright path, she found, at last.

All in all far gone in books
feeling, seeing, the now take place
hands together, screw the looks
life and much yet to embrace.

Looking down from the skies of wander
she saw dark and the warmth from below
she missed the heat and that stranged thunder
seeing through the mist
a life and no glow.


The heat
The seed
The warmth of the skin

The sky
So bright
Brings light into your mind

The flesh
But not at all relaxed

Deepen days
So short
Doing nothing of what it says

The heart
Beating faster than the charts

We think
In time
Of keeping only what is kind

Then life
An endless search to nothing find.


History told in tears
telling tales of hurt and sorrow
blaming pain on empty fears
was it all really this hollow?

My veins still filled with pain
Your done, your words, your guilt
So often forgotten in your drain
Your mind is always adrift

Lured into believing
To see sides of an utopia
Filled heart wanders in dreaming
Past forgotten, left out in dystopia

Mind open, soul renewed
Lasting feelings to keep alive
Signs of change slowly brewed
Why are you hiding out of sight?

Lessons of a life filled with hope
Now show the truth of that troubled mind
Can’t he really feel loved?
Is he really this blind?

My heavy heart slowly retires
Filled with sadness and disbelief
I spotted ease but found gunfire
Leave the dead, my dear
It’s about time you grieve.


so much, so little
so vague, so fulfilled
days by, months gone
what is it we’ve shown?

the laughs, the silliness
now feel like emptiness
no more you and I
was it without a try?

endless nights we’ve spent
wandering around the tent
gazing at the white sky
have we really ran dry?

hours in the silent web
thinking the thoughts we had
hurtful silence, strange absence
was it the wrong sense?

now the time is to surrender
to let go of the whole tender
learn again of that single tone
and return to the state of strange
and at all alone.


Escolheu a vida só, além do dois.
Teve dúvida, medo e incertezas quanto às próprias capacidades.

Havia abandonado a zona de conforto e decidido partir ao desconhecido, de peito aberto e coração na mão.
Temeu o futuro.

A dor aguda, constante e inevitável traziam angústia, mas também um certo alento.
Sentia um paradoxo sem fim.
Sem explicação.

Pensou nas dores de amor como as chuvas em Março nas terras Tupiniquins.
Mesmo fortes e persistentes, passam com a chegada de Abril e o sol do Outono.
Pensou nas folhas tocando o chão e levando consigo cada sentimento e memória do que foi.

Pensou em si, nos planos, nas coisas boas que ficaram e questionou o que estaria por vir.
Cogitou sua idade.
Contou tempo, espaço e metas.
Questionou o futuro.

Na árvore de sua vida, uma brisa levou consigo a última e resistente folha.
Tudo se esvai.

O coração esvaziou, a cabeça se preencheu.

Como um moinho d’água, seus pensamentos se renovaram e seu ser se aquietou.
O inverno que pareceu demorar pra sempre foi inundado com uma imensidão de brotos e novos sentimentos.
A água agora era fresca e seus pensamentos também.


Na clarividência de sua força, enxergou-se longe.

A cada flor, uma nova experiência.
A cada experiência, um aprendizado novo.

Rezou baixo para que essas sim prevalecessem e que se multipliquem a cada desabrochar.

Concluiu que ser um não é ser só.
Mas apenas permitir-se ver e viver uma nova primavera.


Com o coração na mão
e de peito aberto
escrevo-te um recado
pra não esquecer

longo foi o tempo
amando sincero
de credo em alento
que se viu viver

mudanças tantas
aqui e acolá
passagens e andanças
fizemos muito a voar

idas e vindas
chegadas e partidas
abraços e acolhidas
saudade do estar

algo num súbito
mudou-se em absurdo
sem muita compreensão
veio o adeus de sopetão

hora é, pois, de dizer
o quanto isso me faz doer
as crenças e confidências
dos tantos anos juntos a viver

palavras que não se completam
lágrimas que não se secam
ferida que se abriu
ainda viva me dissecam

que fique, então, registrado
da dor que dói sem compasso
dos planos que se retiram
da vida minha que mais cobiçam

fecho os olhos pro passado
esqueço o que deu errado
prometo seguir o passo a passo
levantar o abstrato

o vício e a abstinência
buscam perdão como ciência
tamanha a prepotência
não se conserta com essa frequência

digo-te pois, adeus
seguirei sem os pensamentos teus
deixo-te de vez seguir
quando de fato sou eu
quem há muito devia partir


The eyes were closed
but the mind was racing
her heart was hurt
and reality vanishing

All the hope she kept
was in vain rejected
no way back allowed
it was all for the crowd

So much grieve and sorrow
but no tear he shed
she wished another heart to borrow
but craved for another truth instead

Years of love and devotion
thoughts in slowmotion
heartbeat paused its streams
she said goodbye to those dreams

He said of life yet to be lived
shared would be only with his kin
her beat no longer with him fit
tears and sadness through her skin

Parted from a life of smiles
she felt to be sent to exile
and even with days and nights of pure misery
she recalled with tenderness
that love
which now was nothing but history.


Days and years that go by fast
we think it’d a little longer last
our thoughts begin to gather
what a ride has been this latter

We join our plans as a family
think of everyone and any
wonder about presents and food
and start to set up the mood

Together we make it a feast
we laugh, we pray, and, oh, we eat
nothing matters but each one’s presence
not even the pile up of presents

So many years in such tradition
true happiness in limited edition
we try and keep it all alive
cos each is truly a unique time

Another time has come and gone
so much awaited for all and some
more memories made to last in pictures
oh, we really are a lovely mixture!

It is now time to say goodbye
I need to return to what is mine
you see, my presence there was just in mind
from that Christmas table that I so much miss
and that is truly
one of a kind.