
I have taken some time to rest.

Amidst so many troublesome times, an endless stream of upside-down feelings, and crowded surroundings, I felt the need to stop and take a good look inside. I figured that that mantra we’d been telling our friends for such a long time was right, it was my turn to take a step back to be able to take a few others forward. And boy, how did it pay off.

The episodes of the last (last) year carved a bigger sense of scare inside of us. Despite all the events of the past three decades, this one was different: we’d experienced something entirely new in the sphere of fuckedupness that we’ve known and that required a different outlook at things. Especially to me, away from her and her pain, individually experiencing this multitude of things that I have always vowed to protect her from. Especially to me, who had for a moment believed to never again let her be hurt that much again or have to endure more hardships than the old life had already put her through. Me. Her protector, her keeper.

The last time she fell in love, we held hands and agreed to make it work, but promising that we’d always look at things differently, with more head instead of heart. We had set our boundaries, we’d believed in the promises, and we’d given things time. Yes, by now we all know how much she loves to live in her own timeline and how much that means that her right now translates into forever. Her heart is so committed and so true that her trust has never been entirely shaken from the world. Mine, however, is quite gone, and perhaps this is one of the things that lets us walk together for such a long time. Back at that time, I figured we were good, and I let her heart speak and listen to the words we were told, the offers of all the things we’d always wanted. After wall, what else did we have to work with but their words?

And then, time became still and then rushy again.

So many events, so many physical and emotional constraints, so much literal pain. While I tried to figure out what to do, she grieved a loss she had never thought to have to even have. Our lack of synchrony became a turmoil that led to an avalanche of even more loss and pain. Our lack misalignment took us places I thought to be good for her, but that eventually became just another horror house to live in. Same as the one we’d grown up in and fought so hard to leave. We were in the middle of chaos, and chaos had become the norm. And hell be open, that was not what I wanted for her.
When the last straw hit, I gathered the remaining strength and words of wisdom to be able to tell our friends. One after the other, and sometimes together, they came in our aid: to support, to console, to help me lift a limb from the ground. They all helped carry the weight of the heart, the mind and the life that had just ended. They were the ones who helped us dry the tears we could no longer stop from coming, and that I could no longer dry alone with her. They were a support system I never thought we could have.

Now, if you’ve known her long enough, I bet you’ve seen the sense of resilience and action taking on this gal. She was shaken, hell yes, but her sense of safety and moving forward was larger than anything else. I’d thought it’s take longer, but when she let me talk again, she told me of how much she needed to get out, to have a certain kind of space to figure things out. So, I made us a plan, bought us a plane ticket, and let all the stages of grievance come together. It was time.

Five weeks were all it took for her to find it all out again. I am still amazed by the strength is manages to gather, and by the power she harnesses to get herself going. I’ve seen her going through so much and having witnessed all sides of her heart, it is incredible to see how much goodness and trust will always prevail. The times will always change, and the people will always come and go, but she knows what she wants, and damn, her heart is strong!
During the week of the early morning walks, we made sure to rekindle, to find ourselves and our balance again. Those mornings were essential to acknowledging that the last year has never belonged with us or with who we are, and that it does not deserve our love, attention, or time anymore. She has even told me that this is the last we tell of it, because it simply does not deserve to fill up any bit of our time anymore, and girl, that did blow me away a bit. The last year was a year lived in a sort of a limbo, and though the most important things that have happened were much more about herself than about the other, she holds only one thing dear: she will never get over the fact that life was created and lost inside of her, and that bit will always live within her. In spite of the time. In spite of him. In spite of the pain.

Now, over nine months have passed since we’ve walked away, and six since we’ve come to hold hands again. Our heart is strong, our mind is set straight, and our future is a picture frame waiting to be filled, but without the anxiety or the rush to it. She still knows what she wants and she’s out to get it. Fearless, mindful, as a force of nature.
And as I gather our combined strength and realign our minds, I watch as her heart opens again to feel and let it be. We can’t control the future, but I know I am not letting her go.

Our girl is finally back!


So much in my mind to tell
Such a filled heart ready to yell
But no words come out
Silent, all that’s about

Weeks living in up and down
Days and hours spent in lockdown
Nothing by walls to run to
Not much left to do

Chit chat here and there
With many, from everywhere
Nothing but a lit screen
No touch, nothing green

Never thought would crave this much
For a simple, a single touch
An embrace of any type
A true hug, something kind

She told me, you’re just a woman
You’re yearning for something human
Do others also feel this way?
I wonder, as goes by the day

Judged by self love
I see those who live enclosed
No connections do they enjoy
Other people, just another toy

So here I lie, awake and sleepless
Longing, waiting, almost breathless
I trust the gut that says it’ll come
Soon enough you’ll be back home

And so when things become more clear
Wandering mind less puzzled as such
I tell myself
Believe, dear
What you ask ain’t that so much



Fly beyond the skies and the stars
Reach Jupiter, Pluto or far ahead in the galaxy

Fly like nothing on the ground would hold you
Like nothing down there would ever hurt you

Fly like you’ve ever dreamed of
And if you were flying in your dreams
If you were diving in these streams
You can reach anywhere
With your mind and soul
Be right there

And then rest your heart
In the highest skies
Where the clouds are never domain
And the sun always shines

A home for the entire universe
A place for love and peace and thrive.


Single steps heard on the street
Just as loud as her fast heartbeat
Deep breath to feel the air
Exhale, let out all that despair

Empty streets in all corners
Layout a life of bother
Look up at the bluest sky
Oh, how life can be so bright

Years of solitude materialised
The strength embedded tries to suffice
They say it differs from what was past
Discarding the length it lasts

The cold touch and rare encounter
Becomes now the golden platter
Always believing it was all okay
Felt like an animal trapped in a cage

Weeks gone by in isolation
Going places turns into temptation
Inside her mind, a place alike
She is just trying to survive

Outer world, no comprehension
They all got somewhat attention
The walls once saw as single safety
Now loathed in daily thoughts
In a truth ever so shady.


Thoughts in outer space
Swearing loud “there is no grace!”
A feeling without description
no precedent, no intuition.

So much has come to place
Sweat and tears, full of disgrace
Such sacrifice with just no reason
Such life lived in an inner prison.

Mind and body aligned and calm
Words come in without embalm
Why no good comes from that face?
Is it all as you say, so grave?

We know and feel the truth within
Beliefs and facts not always seen
Thin veil over reality shock
Oh dear, they’re just a flock

Semantics hurting in unknown speed
Try to gather, to plant the seed
A cause appearing so uncontrollable
Hear, my dear
You don’t get into their bubble

Watch tomorrow with fresh new eyes
Breathe, believe, it will suffice
Let it all flow out in streams
Sleep, dear
Go back to your dreams.


She found herself in the skies of love and laughter.
she gazed deeply at the blue and the light.
she found the ease, the peace and its fullness.
it was true love at first sight.

So long the time amidst deep darkness
buried alive, condemned to its horrors
building the walls of plain flawless
made up a world with nothing but hollow.

No comprehension, no empathy to another
life and history kept told in a flash
searched again, chose to not bother
upright path, she found, at last.

All in all far gone in books
feeling, seeing, the now take place
hands together, screw the looks
life and much yet to embrace.

Looking down from the skies of wander
she saw dark and the warmth from below
she missed the heat and that stranged thunder
seeing through the mist
a life and no glow.


The heat
The seed
The warmth of the skin

The sky
So bright
Brings light into your mind

The flesh
But not at all relaxed

Deepen days
So short
Doing nothing of what it says

The heart
Beating faster than the charts

We think
In time
Of keeping only what is kind

Then life
An endless search to nothing find.


History told in tears
telling tales of hurt and sorrow
blaming pain on empty fears
was it all really this hollow?

My veins still filled with pain
Your done, your words, your guilt
So often forgotten in your drain
Your mind is always adrift

Lured into believing
To see sides of an utopia
Filled heart wanders in dreaming
Past forgotten, left out in dystopia

Mind open, soul renewed
Lasting feelings to keep alive
Signs of change slowly brewed
Why are you hiding out of sight?

Lessons of a life filled with hope
Now show the truth of that troubled mind
Can’t he really feel loved?
Is he really this blind?

My heavy heart slowly retires
Filled with sadness and disbelief
I spotted ease but found gunfire
Leave the dead, my dear
It’s about time you grieve.


How do you handle your addictions?
Hell, how do you recognise them?

So easy and so deep, we almost willingly fall into what we know to be one the thing that hits our soft spot. Blinded by its promises and dellusional guarantees, we decide to try a little taste. Well, the delusional part is perhaps a certainty that rises from its after effects rather than a component of the first contact. Yet, there it lies. Yet, we cannot see it.

Little by little, we grow dependent on it. We crave when its gone and we bathe in it when it’s here. We see our strenght being taken away in every single last drop and we can’t just live without it: we keep on seeking, pursuing it, bringing it back. The more we have, the more we want. And simply we don’t want to let it go.

At first, we think it’s a natural desire, a normal will. Even when we begin to see the counter-effects, we ignore them in the name of that one next hit we’re about to take. The hit is physical, mental, touches the soul. One touch and the entire body begins to shiver. A bit later, the whole being feels at complete ease. It is our great desire, it feels so right… how could we possibly let it go?

Our addictions have come to us in many forms, shapes and smells. We surrended to each and every one of them, believing in its golden promise: you will no longer be alone. Yes, solitude has always been a sort of combustible for our addictions. It has been its food, running through our veins and reaching our vital parts, for many of our not so many years. We accepted it and took it in, unquestioned. Our biggest mistake.

I realised I was addicted when I let her suffer the consequences of what I could not let go. Abandonment, recklessness, backs turned at us. I accepted and let it all in only to have five more minutes, 10 more seconds of voice, look and touch. We took scars in our hearts and body for my being unable to let go and start to look within. We took words of rejection and actions of despise. She saw it was time to show me the truth and I saw it all. A necessary take.

When I glanced at her sorrow, her destruction, emptiness of hope and fulness of despair, I decided that it was time to quit. I took a good look at myself in the mirror and realised what I was doing to her. Yes, I have still been in control for all this time but her eyes kept on reaching mine as we stared at each other in the mirror. I saw her red and swollen eyes whilst she watched me trying to forget it all. Nothing else worked for good, drastic measures called to action.

Our dependence on people and on their love has made us mad. Mad for care, for true concerns and real engagement. Not the fake stuff, no, not the ones that only lasts a minute. Although that’s everything each and all of them seem to give, we’ve mostly craved for the real deal, believing that it would solve the issue. So wrong, L.!

Boots off, clothes down, face washed. The time has come to let go of the old addictions, waiting in the dark and constantly check for updates. Quit the depth of the contact, let go of the old habits. Everyone else is gone, only few have truly displayed deep care. It took me time, but I get now.
Universe, indeed!

All I need is her and all she needs is me, and that’s all it always needs to be.


It’s been 23 minutes since midnight and I simply cannot hold myself back.

It is the 23rd of April of 2019 and we are entering our 29th turn around the sun. So many years together, so much we’ve been through. Yet, the joy this day brings a joy still unseen and unusual to most people. Too many don’t understand the true happiness, the joy that consumes our bodies this day of the year.

If you’ve made this far in our chapters, you might think that we don’t have much to be proud of. Or not, gosh I know of what you think! So much misery we’ve gone through in life. Sorrows, deep shit, heartbreak. So much we’ve struggled to understand which ended up in crawling under our blanket, trying and get the answers no one else would. We’ve done that for years, but for most of the recent ones, we’ve fought to grasp the meaning of whatever we were facing. And most importantly, we have been victorious for a large part of it. We’ve seriously won.

We won when we decided that there would be a day when nothing else but our pride would matter. The pride we gather both for ourselves and for the beauty of all we’ve accomplished. We took this day as the one which wouldn’t tell of sorrows or tears, or sadness or fuck-ups. We hold on to this day like a kid to its teddy bear and we crave for it so intensively that, clearly, no one understands. But well, no need to. It comes from within and we genuinely cheer up to it.

Most of the ones we know think of their birthdays as a day to be left aside. “We are getting old, why would I celebrate?!”, they say. They preach days long gone and despise the things they should praise. I see people taking days and years for granted whilst, in our eyes, gratitude and smiles should be the key to open the doors of today, of this special day. To celebrate one’s cycle is to enlighten the future. And all we wish is that most people saw the same, but well… life is one’s own to live.

And so, alone here we stand. Sitting on our couch, in our recently leased apartment, smiling at our future. We take those rusty and old keys that we used to open the so many doors in the past year and we close up the last door of the 28. We reach out to the back pocket of our pants and grab that shiny one with the sign of 29 in it. Gosh, has it really been this long?! How come do we still feel like 19?! Nevertheless, ten years have passed and so much has happened. Much to be happy about, even more to be grateful for.

As the winds of change keep on blowing over our windows, we open the lock and open the door. We take one step ahead to begin the new turn, filled with happiness, surrounded by the love that comes from within. Long time since we’ve felt this way, but here it is again. We feel happy, she feels complete. Much has changed in this years’ celebrations, but she has all she needs right at her hands and that’s enough for me. The golden key is everything. The new beginning is right at the cross of the street.

Come on now, 29! Let’s discover even more, let’s embrace our simpathy and smiles. We promise to forget of the shitty past, to let go of the long lasting tears: They may come tomorrow, or the week after. Today, it’s only about the special. Today is only about her. So us, happily ever after, shall very well be.

Happy birthday to us!